Event Fortitude Valley

Rex Manning Day

Damn the man, save the empire.
Sarah Ward
July 07, 2018


If the phrase "oh Rexy, you're so sexy" means something to you, then it's likely you spent a large part of the late 90s and early 00s watching Empire Records — and all the years since, too. The cult comedy is set to make a comeback via the Broadway stage by 2020; however you can damn the man and save the empire long before then, and without leaving Brisbane. That's what happens when Blute's Bar commemorates Rex Manning Day.

From 9pm on Saturday, July 7, the Brunswick Street venue will be turning its corner of Fortitude Valley into everyone's favourite fictional record store — or spinning a soundtrack that'll make you think that's the case, at the very least. That means plenty of tunes from two decades ago, and probably someone jumping up on a table to sing 'Sugar High'. You know you want it to be you.

Blute's is also promising that Rex Manning will be there, and we're sure you're keen to see how that turns out. And while the actual Rex Manning Day is on April 8, don't let that stop you from celebrating all things Empire Records — not that you need a reason.



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