Event South Brisbane

RSPCA Queensland Pop-Up Adoption Drive 2017

Spend your Saturday surrounded by pups and kits.
Sarah Ward
January 04, 2017


Because you're reading this, we know you're not someone who received a pet for Christmas, only to decide it wasn't for you. We know you're one of the good folks. You're probably wishing that you did receive a loveable animal as a gift, even if you already have one — or several — that you adore.

We understand your yearning, and so does RSPCA Queensland. In trying to find permanent homes for dogs, cats, puppies and kittens surrendered into their care from all over the state, they're bringing all those cuddly creatures to the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre on Saturday 14 January for their third annual pop-up adoption event.

Entry is free, and includes demonstrations, entertainment, food, and activities, as well as RSPCA stalls and information. And then there's the hundreds of animals waiting for your affection — and for you to take them home with you. 415 critters found homes last year, in case you're wondering.

Although you can't put a price on the happiness a new four-legged friend will bring — and although this year's rates haven't yet been announced — in previous years, those wanting to adopt an older cat or dog have been offered a cheaper price. Kittens and puppies aged under four months will also be looking for someone to love them.

The time and place is perfect for many a Brisbane resident, coinciding with the first day of the biannual secondhand free-for-all that is Lifeline Bookfest. Who doesn't want to go out for a day of book browsing, puppy perusing and cat patting? You might just come home with six month's worth of reading, and a new pal to keep you company.

There's more to pet adoption than overdosing on cuteness, of course, with making the commitment to care for an animal serious business. For further information, read RSPCA Queensland's FAQs.




Sat, Jan 14, 2017

Saturday, January 14, 2017



Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre
Merivale Street
South Brisbane


Free entry
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