Event Brisbane

Secret Foodies Mad Hatter's Afternoon Tea Party

Enjoy tea, cakes and an afternoon wonderland at Secret Foodies' latest pop-up event.
Sarah Ward
April 03, 2017


Ever wish life was full of more surprises? Like everything these days, there's an event that can help scratch that itch. Every now and then, Secret Foodies pop up with a dining experience that takes the planning out of your hands — and, apart from a few clues, they don't even tell you where you're going until two hours before it starts.

The Secret Foodies Mad Hatter's Afternoon Tea Party is their latest attempt to lead those with a hankering for delicious dishes in an undisclosed location down the rabbit hole, so break out your best headwear. In fact, wearing your high tea best is recommended at this very important date. The actual setting won't be revealed until the day, but you will be headed to a boutique hotel in the heart of the CBD.

On April 8 and 9, attendees can expect teapots aplenty — obviously — plus the kind of treats that'll make you think you're in Wonderland. Cupcakes, chocolate card ganache sandwiches, marshmallow mushrooms, strawberry heart tarts and a special top hat cake will all beg "eat me", while Ta_Ku Sauvignon Blanc Pink will scream "drink me".




Sat, Apr 8, 2017

Saturday, April 8, 2017


  • Sun, Apr 9, 2017

    Sunday, April 9, 2017



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