Single Malt Sports

If playing ping-pong and winning a carton of beer gets your competitive juices flowing, then you might like to set your sights on the Charlie Sheen Cup.
Lauren Burvill
Published on May 10, 2011


Have you heard about what's happening at West End’s Boundary Hotel every Wednesday evening? Super electric, beer fueled, pizza filled, ping-pong tournaments that's what. The trouble makers behind Fans and Lambda club night are spicing up our Wednesdays with some pseudo-sport-excuse-for-drinking fun with Single Malt Sports, and they need your help to get the ball rolling.

For the first few weeks the games held will be a free-for-all. Simply rock up, grab some pizza and a paddle and get started. Match ups will be organised along with a table that runs team challenges with the winning team taking home a carton of beer.

If winning a carton of beer has got your competitive juices flowing, then you might like to set your sights on the Charlie Sheen Cup. To win, Single Malt Sports will run a series of matches played over a few weeks. If your team would like to register, email them here to be in the running, or make that 'winning.'

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