Event South Bank

So, You've Been Publicly Shamed

Chat with the man who found the shame in our cyber behaviour.
Sarah Ward
August 31, 2015


Assuming you haven't been hiding away from the internet for the better part of 2015, you should be well aware of the work of Jon Ronson. Prior to this year, the Welsh journalist, author, filmmaker and radio presenter was perhaps best known for writing the book The Psychopath Test and co-writing the film Frank partly based on his own experiences.

Then his latest publication, So, You've Been Publicly Shamed, was released, shedding light on the insidious side of our online behaviour. Seeing him chat, in the flesh, about his three years spent researching the worst of social media-facilitated public humiliation is a rare occasion — and if you want more pearls of Ronson wisdom, then check out his Brisbane Writers Festival 2015 opening address and discussion on the state of 21st-century investigative journalism.



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