Getting up before daylight mightn't be your usual idea of an ace Sunday morning; however some things really are worth shortening your snooze for. Getting what just might be the best view of the sunrise in the city, for one. Climbing a mountain for the calm and tranquility that can only come from bending and stretching is another. Oh, and then there's the whole taking part in a silent yoga class on Mt Coot-tha, for another.
All three combine at Sound Off at the Summit, Urban Bliss Yoga's latest adventurous exercise outing. They've done it before and now they're back to do it again — and yes, mountaintop yoga will literally take you to another level. Expect to show off your best mountain pose while you're standing on one, do downward dog as you stare down from a massive land mass, and whip out your liveliest sun salutation as the fiery ball of heat ascends over the city.
Taking place on April 22, eager yogis will climb up to the Brisbane Lookout for this early Sunday session, with all of the fun kicking off at 6am. And, thanks to the illuminated headphones everyone will be wearing, there'll be quite the glow coming from the class as well. Everyone from yoga first-timers to asana experts are welcome — as long as you BYO yoga mat — but tickets are expected to get snapped up quickly.
Sun, Apr 22, 2018
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Brisbane Lookout, Mt Coot-tha1012 Sir Samuel Griffith Drive