Spruke 2015

Because there really is a festival for everything.
Sarah Ward
Published on October 01, 2015


If you've ever had any doubts that there's a festival for everything, then Spruke just might convince you otherwise. The three-day event's focus falls on a certain, small, guitar-like instrument originating in Hawaii and gaining in widespread popularity. Yes, we're talking about the ukulele.

Whether you're a dedicated uke fan, a wannabe player or a newcomer, the annual festival has something for you. Performances by ukulele musicians from both Australian and overseas are the obvious drawcards; however this is as much about celebrating the joy of music — be it making it or listening to it — as it is about live shows.

Accordingly, the program includes everything from workshops on hot strumming techniques and playing Beatles songs to a plethora of jamming sessions, all taking place at the South Bank campus of TAFE Queensland Brisbane. And for those keen for a sample before committing to the main attraction, a Spruke showcase will also grace the Queen Street Mall at midday on October 2 and 3.

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