Stephen Russell: Torpor Audit

Step into Stephen Russell's creative world with his latest exhibition that explores the multiplicities of meaning surrounding art.
Elizabeth Penrose
Published on October 28, 2013


Successful artist, Stephen Russell, is no stranger to the Brisbane art scene. He has graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours from QUT and is currently a founding co-director of the Artistic Run Initiative, Accidentally Annie Street Space. His art exists in the realm of sculpture and painting and has been shown in galleries across Australia such as, Boxcopy, QUT Art Museum, Metro Arts and as part of the 2012 Next Wave Festival in Melbourne.

Torpor Audit is Stephen's latest exhibition showcase. In it he explores the duplicity of art works, in particular, the multiplicity of meanings expressed by a single piece. He displays how the social environment interacts with objects and images and the consequences of this.

The opening night of the exhibition will be held on Friday 1 November 6.00pm. You can catch Torpor Audit from 31 October – 14 November.


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