The Beatles: A Live Celebration Honouring George Martin

Paying tribute to the fifth member of the Fab Four.
Sarah Ward
Published on January 30, 2017


Everyone knows who The Beatles are. Most people love them (yeah, yeah, yeah). George Martin mightn't have received the quite same amount of screaming fans and worldwide adoration as Paul, John, Ringo and George, but that's often the plight that producers must handle. When they do their job well, they ensure the on-stage talent steals the show.

Indeed, Martin — who was also an composer, conductor, audio engineer and musician — helped give the Fab Four their ticket to ride. Paul once called him the fifth Beatle, and the Liverpudlians certainly wouldn't have enjoyed the same fame without him. He was another victim of 2016, passing away in March; however for one night, his contribution to the biggest band of the last century is in the spotlight. The title of the gig says it all: The Beatles: A Live Celebration Honouring George Martin.

So, how do you pay tribute to such a much stalwart? Enlist a heap of ace Aussie talent, obviously. Linda Bull, Kram, Screamfeeder's Kellie Lloyd, Powderfinger's Darren Middleton and Halfway's Luke Peacock will come together under the guidance of You Am I's Davey Lane to play two sets of Beatles classics that Martin made possible. It won't be a hard day's night at all, but it will be an entertaining and celebratory one.

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