Event West End

'The Disaster Artist' and 'The Room' Double Feature

Watch the best worst movie ever made — and the star-studded dramatisation that shows how it came about.
Sarah Ward
September 30, 2019


Some films are awful. Some films are excellent. Some manage to be both all at once. Inspiring movie-goers to throw spoons at the cinema screen since 2003, The Room falls into that category. He'll likely claim otherwise, but Tommy Wiseau couldn't have made a flick this unique if he'd really been trying to.

Of course, The Room does have an obvious companion piece — and no, don't mean his next effort with Greg Sestero, Best F(r)iends (or the animated space show they recently loaned their voices to, either). No, we can only be talking about The Disaster Artist. After Sestero penned a book about his experiences making The Room, James Franco came along and turned into into a film. He also decided to play Wiseau himself, with Dave Franco playing Sestero.

The two movies make quite the pair, and they're playing back-to-back at Metro Arts from 5pm on Saturday, October 5. Be there, or risk the feeling on missing out on a double feature like no other — a feeling that'll tear you apart, naturally.




Sat, Oct 5, 2019

Saturday, October 5, 2019



Metro Arts
97 Boundary Street
West End


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