The Great Beerhaus Oktoberfest Bier-lympics

With apple bobbing, sausage eating, stein hoisting, nail hammering, yodelling, bier pong — and free snacks.
Sarah Ward
Published on October 15, 2018


October has reached its mid-point, which means one thing: Oktoberfest is well and truly underway. Plenty of places around town have been getting into the German spirit, and Bowen Hills' Bavarian Beerhaus is no different — except for the fact that it's also throwing its own Bier-lympics.

Only the finest, most important, highly competitive endeavours feature in the one-day lineup, such as the stein hoist and hold, toss the saus(age), apple bobbing, nail hammering, yodelling, bier pong, and lederhosen and dirndl speed-dressing. The day's competitions are also open to canines thanks to a Dogs of Oktoberfest Costume Contest, which will see adorable doggos strut their stuff from 2pm.

The shenanigans take place on Saturday, October 20 between the King Street venue's opening and closing times, and also include the official tapping of the Bavarian Beerhaus' Oktoberfest beer at midday — a somewhat bitter brew laced with malt caramel and citrus flavours.

And, as always, there's free snacks between 4–6pm, just as there is here every day.

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