Event Paddington

The Great Brewsvegas Pool Party

Brisbane's annual beer festival launches with surf rock, Ze Pickle burgers and brewskis.
Sarah Ward
January 30, 2017


First, the bad news: Brewsvegas, Brisbane's annual celebration of beverages, doesn't take place until March. Now, the good news: once again, they're unveiling their lineup this week at the ideal summer event for those who like to cool off with both a beer and a swim.

Say hello to the Great Brewsvegas Pool Party, Beer and Program Launch, aka the get-together that wants to amp up your excitement not once, but twice. We're not sure what we're more pumped about — descending upon Ithaca Pool ready for an evening of splashing about, or getting a glimpse of all the awesome 2017 fun to come.

The correct answer is both, of course. And with surf rock band The Wet Fish cranking out the on-theme tunes, Ze Pickle serving up their festive foods and Newstead Brewing Co unleashing this year's official Brewsvegas Beer at the launch, expect those excitement levels to keep on growing.



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