Event South Brisbane

The Great Debate

Religion is one of those topics that everyone seems to have an opinion on, so what better topic for The Great Debate than 'Reading the Bible is good for you...'.
Elizabeth Penrose
September 03, 2012


Religion is one of those topics that everyone seems to have an opinion on. It has the ability to divide people and ignite passion, so what better topic for The Great Debate than 'Reading the Bible is good for you...'.

This thought provoking debate will see staunch feminist Germaine Greer, former Bishop of Edinburgh Richard Holloway and politician Bob Katter battle it out against the first Indigenous person to be appointed as a magistrate in our Sunshine State Jacqui Payne, journalist Benjamin Law and criminal defense investigator Rachel Sommerville.

This lively and intellectual bunch are sure to raise many mind boggling issues regarding religion and whether or not reading the Bible is good for you. As each participant is from a unique background, many different perspectives regarding the topic will be explored.

The Great Debate is part of the Brisbane Writers Festival and promises to be a memorable experience.



Sat, Sep 8, 2012

Saturday, September 8, 2012



QPAC Concert Hall
Melbourne and Grey Street
South Brisbane


FROM 35.00
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