The Ramones Video Night

Hey, ho — let's go!
Sarah Ward
Published on August 24, 2015


In the 1970s, four friends formed a band in Queens. They liked their music short, fast and loud, and they went on to completely change the scene. Their parents knew them as John, Douglas, Jeffrey and Thomas — but you know them as Johnny, Dee Dee, Joey and Tommy. They weren't related by anything but their adopted name, but they felt like punk ultimate family.

They are, of course, the Ramones, veterans of 2,263 concerts and of touring almost nonstop for 22 years. It's little wonder, then, that the New Globe has chosen to pay tribute to a group that redefined the term icon just as they redefined what rock 'n' roll meant.

The evening kicks off with End of the Century: The Story of the Ramones, the 2003 documentary that chronicles their history from formation until the death of three of the four original members in the early 'oos. Then, stay after the film for music videos, rare clips and performance footage all shown on the venue's big screen. It's not quite the same as having seen the Ramones live, but given that is now impossible, it is the next best thing.

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