Event Newstead

The Triffid's Third Annual Hottest 100 Party

Count down with the rest of the nation in Brisbane's go-to music haven.
Sarah Ward
January 24, 2017


When The Triffid starts welcoming patrons at midday at January 26, here's a tip: rush through the door, find your favourite spot, and settle in for the long haul. Trust the Newstead venue to have all your plans covered. Want to listen to the nation's biggest countdown? Keen on having some post-Laneway fun, even if you're not going to the fest? Consider it all sorted.

The first part of the festivities, The Triffid's Third Annual Hottest 100 Party, will feature the tunes you voted for, the usual laidback atmosphere, and whatever takes your fancy from their food and drink menu. Then, come 10pm, stick around for the Laneway After Party with Juno Mars, White Lung DJs and Laneway DJs.



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