Two Bit Movie Club: 'Clueless' Vs 'Mean Girls'

Head back to the 90s and 00s with two of the all-time great high school flicks.
Sarah Ward
Published on May 09, 2019


Netherworld's latest movie night poses a dilemma. Will you show your 90s love, chat about Bettys and Baldwins, exclaim "as if?" and remember that Paul Rudd doesn't age? Or, will you wish 00s-era Lindsay Lohan was your best friend, wear pink even though it's not a Wednesday and write in a burn book? Of course, if there's a way to show your affection for both Clueless and Mean Girls, then that's an option — both films are on the bill, after all.

One borrows from Jane Austen and made a star out of Alicia Silverstone, the other is based on a self-help book and boasts Tina Fey as a screenwriter, and they're each considered high school movie classics for a reason. They'll also be playing from 7pm on Sunday, May 19, which sounds like a fetch way to end your weekend.

Even better — this film double is free, so a cheap blast from the past is on the agenda. Netherworld's games and bar will be open, so bring your wallet for refreshments and a few rounds of pinball in the interval.

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