
Don't be a narc, man; head to Unipalooza.
Molly Glassey
Published on February 17, 2014


Uni sucks. But if you add the suffix palooza to it, it doesn’t suck at all. In fact, it kind of rocks. Here’s a Simpsons clip to explain why.

Here are some words to explain why even further: Trainspotter’s – you know, the guys who host one of the best weekly nights of gigs and ferociously fun bands in the city – are stretching their fingertips and curating a week of rock at QUT Gardens Point, with some roll at Kelvin Grove. It’s Unipalooza!

The Good Sports and Babaganouj (pictured) will be doing some silly things on stage – if you enjoy your music silly. And Hound and the Bacchanales will also be there, doing some guitar stuff. There will also be free fairy bread – linger on that for a moment.

Fairy bread!

Doesn’t matter if you don’t go to QUT, or if you have diabetes, or if you find rock music the audible aphrodisiac of the devil – it’s a party, and you’d be a real narc not to go.


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