Cafe Kangaroo Point

Puk Collective - CLOSED

Sometimes the best coffee shops are hidden away where you least expect to find them.
Meegan Waugh
May 02, 2013


Sometimes the best coffee shops are hidden away where you least expect to find them. Puk Collective is tucked in underneath the Story Bridge at Kangaroo Point under the branches of a big old fig tree, and it's a great spot for a lazy weekend coffee or a midweek pick-me-up.

There is a real community feel to Puk, and its slightly off-the-beaten-track location means that a lot of the regulars are locals. Despite being so close to the Story Bridge, the traffic noise is a hum rather than a roar, and the shaded seating area out front is a perfectly pretty place to enjoy the signature Puk blend espresso, grown and roasted by Green Cauldron Coffee near Byron Bay. If you like to walk and talk while you caffeinate, James Warner park is just a couple of paces down the street.

Venture further inside and you will come across the Antonia Kelly gallery space, hosting work by emerging local artists, and named after the co-owner of both the gallery and Puk itself.

On the menu, there's plenty of coffee (naturally), including the signature blend and daily single origins, and a range of snacks, sweets and lunches. The service is personal and you'll feel at home straight away.

Note: Puk Collective was formerly known as Puk Espresso. This review has been edited to reflect the venue's name change.




98 Main Street
Kangaroo Point




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