Travel & Leisure

An Arty Staycation at TRYP Hotel

Book into a room featuring artworks by acclaimed Australian street artists.
By Laura Dawson
May 16, 2017
TRYP Hotel, Fortitude Valley

20 Constance Street, Fortitude Valley

Forgo a quiet night in for an ace night's stay at the luxe TRYP Hotel in Fortitude Valley. Yes, they have room service, and yes, you should definitely go all out and choose the king room with a private outdoor spa on the balcony. The TRYP hotel is a design lover's delight, with edgy aesthetics and a formidable collection of street art by some of Australia's top artists. With artworks by Beastman and Rone (among others) adorning the walls, every room is a visual feast. And if you really want to take advantage of the staycation and avoid venturing out into the Valley for dinner, that's not a problem — the hotel restaurant, Chur (of Chur Burger fame) dishes up the good stuff until late. They also offer valet parking, so you don't even have to stress about finding a spot for the car.

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