Comics, Zines and Art at Junky Comics

Discover vintage superheroes, introspective indie titles and art exhibitions at this West End treasure trove.
Sarah Ward
Published on May 04, 2017


Based in West End, Junky Comics is the passion project of Vlada Edirippulige, also known as illustrator Junky. It's the kind of place where browsing — and taking a seat on the couch while you peruse the shop's stock — is welcome. "I really hate that feeling of getting in, grabbing something and getting out," Edirippulige advises. "With comics, you need to look through them too see if you dig them.

The unique combination of written word with illustration is a big part of what draws Edirippulige to comics as well. "Comic books and graphic novels cover such widespread content — it's not just about superheroes anymore! — and I wanted to have a place that showcased that diversity." Indeed, rifling through the wares adorning the store's custom-made shelves proves just that, with Junky Comics stocking everything from Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis to vintage Wonder Woman. There's also a selection of local zines and cards. Take your time, cosy in and browse the comics and art found in this treasure trove of illustration.


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