News Travel

Brisbane's Getting Another Round of Free Bus Travel

The RTBU's campaign for safer buses, a fair wage increase and modern rostering practices continues.
Sarah Ward
August 08, 2017


Another week, another round of free rides for bus patrons. Yes, it's becoming a common occurrence. Brisbane's bus drivers are still fighting for better conditions, and they're still not getting anywhere — so they're going to help the city's commuters get to their destinations for free.

The city's buses aren't fleeing from the roads this time, but they will be refusing to collect fares once again. If catching a bus is on the cards between Wednesday, August 9 and Friday, August 11, then your trip may very well cost you nothing. As happened on July 27 and August 4, some drivers won't be taking your money or checking that you're using your Go Card.

The key word there is some, of course, so hopping on board without a method of payment in your wallet isn't recommended. The latest stint marks the fourth consecutive week of industrial action as part of a continuing campaign by the RTBU's Queensland Branch for safer buses, a fair wage increase and modern rostering practices.

Image: Andrew Thomas via Flickr.