Face Masks Will Be Mandatory Indoors and on Public Transport in Greater Sydney From 5pm Today

If you catch public transport, go shopping or head to an indoor event, you'll need to mask up.
Concrete Playground
Published on May 06, 2021

As part of the New South Wales Government's response to two locally acquired cases of COVID-19 in Sydney, face masks will be compulsory in indoor public settings across Greater Sydney for the next three days. The mandatory requirement will come into effect from 5pm Thursday, May 6, and run through until 12am on Monday, May 10.

Sydneysiders, including those who live in Wollongong, the Blue Mountains and the Central Coast, must don a mask when they are indoors in public. That includes shopping at supermarkets, shopping centres and other retail stores; on public and shared transport; and at all other public indoor venues including theatres and aged care facilities. They'll also be mandatory for all staff working at hospitality venues.

Face coverings have not been mandatory in NSW since restrictions on masks on public transportation on Monday, March 29. The reinstating of restrictions comes after a man in Sydney's eastern suburbs tested positive for COVID-19 with an unknown source on Thursday, May 5. His wife then tested positive overnight.

Compulsory mask-wearing isn't the only new restriction announced today, Thursday, May 6, for Greater Sydney, either. Under the new snap restrictions, singing and dancing will be banned in indoor venues, and no more than 20 people will be allowed to gather in homes. Patrons are also required to remain seated while drinking at venues; however, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian implored those with Mother's Day bookings or tickets for outdoor events to not to change their plans this weekend.

The Premier also advised that anyone who can adopt the new restrictions — including wearing masks — before 5pm today should do so.

NSW Health has also been updating the COVID-19 venues of concern list. Anyone who has visited these venues during the times specified are required to get tested and self-isolate until provided with an update from NSW Health.

To find out more about the status of COVID-19 in NSW, head to the NSW Health website.

Published on May 06, 2021 by Concrete Playground
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