Indooroopilly Shopping Centre Is Back on Brisbane's Fast-Growing List of Exposure Sites

With the area currently in lockdown due to a new outbreak of locally acquired cases, southeast Queensland's exposure sites list continues to grow.
Sarah Ward
Published on August 02, 2021

Since Saturday, July 31, 11 Local Government Areas in and around Greater Brisbane have been back in lockdown, with new locally acquired COVID-19 cases identified in the region. The first case was linked to Indooroopilly State High School and, unsurprisingly, the list of exposure sites has been growing ever since — especially across Brisbane's western suburbs.

You know the drill from here, because naming locations and venues that positive coronavirus cases have visited is key element of Queensland's containment strategy, and has been since early 2020. The list has been expanding rapidly over the weekend, and includes one big and notable venue — one that's been named an exposure site a few times now.

Indooroopilly Shopping Centre, aka the biggest shopping centre in Brisbane's west, is the highest-profile location to join the list over the weekend. A positive case visited Indro on Thursday, July 29, with seven specific shops within the centre identified as exposure sites.

If you went to Myer between 8.50–9.30am, Seed Heritage from 9.20–9.35am, Target between 9.25–9.50am, H&M from 9.45–10.10am, Target again from 10–10.15am, Kmart between 10.10–10.45am, Stacks Discount Store from 10.35–10.50am and/or Country Road between 10.45–11am, you've been at a close contact spot. That means that you need to get tested ASAP and then self-isolate, regardless of whether you receive a negative result — and you'll need to remain in isolation for 14 days, too.

Two sets of female toilets at the centre are on the list as well — on level two near Forever New from 8.45–8.50am and on level one near JB Hi-Fi from 10.50–10.55am. They're casual contact spots, so folks who were also there at the same time will need to get tested and self-quarantine until they receive a negative result.

Indooroopilly Shopping Centre has also been named as a low-risk venue from 8.30–11am and 3.10–3.30pm on Thursday, July 29, which requires getting tested ASAP, then monitoring for symptoms.

Other places of note currently named as exposure sites include two spots at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, multiple areas of the University of Queensland, Aldi at Oxley, Coles at Moggill, and a heap of bus routes. Schools are a big focus this time, with not only Indooroopilly State High School but also Ironside State School, St Peters Lutheran College, Brisbane Boys Grammar and Brisbane Girls Grammar also identified. For the full list, head to the Queensland Health website.

As always, the usual advice regarding COVID-19 applies anyway. So, requests regarding social distancing, hygiene and getting tested if you're feeling even the slightest possible COVID-19 symptoms in general are still in effect, as they have since March 2020.

Queensland currently has 53 active cases as last reported on Sunday, August 1.

Residents of the 11 LGAs under lockdown are currently only permitted to leave their homes for four permitted reasons; however, getting tested for COVID-19 is one of them.

For more information about the status of COVID-19 in Queensland, head to the Queensland COVID-19 hub and the Queensland Health website.

Top image: Kgbo via Wikimedia Commons.

Published on August 02, 2021 by Sarah Ward
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