The Greater Brisbane Area Is Going Into Another Three-Day Lockdown From 5pm Tonight

The region will return to the rules in place during January's lockdown — which means that you're only allowed to leave the house for four reasons.
Sarah Ward
Published on March 29, 2021

Brisbanites, prepare to start feeling a big dose of deja vu. In response to the new local cluster of COVID-19 cases in Brisbane, Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has announced that the entire Greater Brisbane region — spanning the Brisbane, Logan, Ipswich, Moreton and Redlands local government areas — is going into lockdown again for three days. The shutdown will start at 5pm on Monday, March 29 and run through until 5pm on Thursday, April 1.

"We now have significant community transmission and significant numbers of venues of concern all through Brisbane," the Premier said at her daily press conference today, Monday, March 29. "And we know that people have moved from Brisbane out into the broader community, which is why I have advised that we need to ask people who live in greater Brisbane — those five local government areas that make up greater Brisbane — to stay home for the next three days until we can work out how much community transmission there has been and we can contact all of the contacts who have been in these many, many venues. That's critical," she continued.

The Greater Brisbane region will return to the rules in place during January's lockdown, and also in March 2020. So, that means you're only allowed to leave the house for four reasons — to head out for work or education if you can't do that at home, for essential shopping, for exercise in your local area, and for health care or to provide support for a vulnerable person.

The lockdown comes as a result of four more people being diagnosed with local cases of COVID-19, joining the two men who have already been diagnosed since Friday, March 26. Two of the cases have also travelled to Byron Bay during their infectious period, and one was in Gladstone for three days from March 26–28.

"This is a protective measure but it's absolutely the right thing to do based on the health advice," the Premier said. "We do not take these measures lightly. These are very, very difficult decisions, but they are done to keep Queenslanders safe. They are done to protect everybody and to make sure that we stop the spread of this UK variant."

As part of the lockdown, there is a limit of two visitors in homes. Masks are also compulsory for the three days of lockdown, and are required to be worn everywhere in Greater Brisbane's local government areas, other than if you're at your own home.

Cinemas, entertainment and recreation venues will all close, as will places of worship, while cafes, pubs and restaurants are only allowed to open for takeaway service.

Also, folks who decide to come to the Greater Brisbane region during the lockdown will be bound by the same restrictions, although travel is discouraged — and no one should leave Greater Brisbane during this period. The government strongly encourages non-residents currently in Greater Brisbane to remain until the end of the lockdown.

And, if you've been in the Greater Brisbane area since March 20 but you're now elsewhere, you still must quarantine wherever you are. You'll also need to wear a mask when you leave your home — for one of the permitted reasons.

Queensland Health is maintaining an active register of locations that have been visited by positive COVID-19 cases, which you can check out on its website. Extra testing clinics have been set up, and you can find a rundown of clinic locations online as well.

The Greater Brisbane area will go into lockdown from 5pm on Monday, March 29 until 5pm on Thursday, April 1. For more information about the status of COVID-19 in Queensland, head to the QLD COVID-19 hub and the Queensland Health website. More details about the lockdown and associated restrictions can also be found on the Queensland Health website.

Published on March 29, 2021 by Sarah Ward
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