• News

    Wear Music of Artists You Heart on Your Sleeve

    Playbutton is an mp3 player embedded in a badge, each one storing pre-recorded content like an album or mix-tape.

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    Tweets Inspire a Book on the Egyptian Revolution

    Tweets from activists in the revolution in Egypt are compiled into a compelling timeline of the uprising.

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    Food From The Sky Creates Rooftop Gardens in London

    London supermarket plants a garden on the roof to promote sustainable fruit and vegetable production in cities.

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    Google’s Person Finder Helps Locate Tsunami Victims

    Person Finder is an online search tool to help people locate the whereabouts of family members, loved ones and friends that have been caught in the natural disaster.

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    Surreal Images Caused by Google Earth Glitches

    These dream-like pictures look as though they could be from the set of Inception, but they're actually screenshots from Google Earth

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    Virtual Christchurch Cafe Raises Money for Earthquake Victims

    This philanthropic website seeks to aid New Zealand's earthquake victims with profits from virtual coffee products.

Latest Guides
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    Flying House from ‘Up’ Recreated in California

    As part of a new National Geographic television series, a team of scientists, engineers and balloon pilots recreated the scene from the hit flick.

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    Eco-Friendly Alternative to Plastic USBs

    Each Flashkus is created from thin strips of recyclable cardboard, allowing for easy disk-labeling and the potential to recycle the body of the disk once you're done.

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    Instagram and Stickygram Print Your iPhone Photography

    iPhone photography apps like Instagram and Hipstamatic recreate a Polaroid-feel in our piccies.

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    The new look Concrete Playground

    We've nipped, tucked and delivered Concrete Playground to you in a shiny new package, re-imagining everything from the ground up.

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    Australia’s Biggest Garage Sale

    The Garage Sale Trail will be held on Sunday, April 10 this year in backyards, front yards and garages right across Australia.

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    Thought Control Car Becomes a Reality

    The technology of gaming and all your Back To The Future fantasies come together in the car driven by the power of your mind.

Latest Places
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    Homes Getting Cheaper and Smaller by Design

    With the global economy in a less than premium position, sustainable micro-houses might be awaiting us all in the future.

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    Artsicle: An Original Artwork Rental Scheme

    A new scheme running in New York let's you road test your art before you make a lifetime's commitment to it.

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    Lenovo Creates First Ever Eye-Controlled Computer

    Blinking or being distracted by someone across the room could potentially lead to your documents closing unsaved, now that your eyes can control your computer.

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    Scrabble Revived with Designer Fonts

    Now not only is Scrabble a delightful game for grammar pedants but for typography fetishists as well.

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    TED 2011’s Big Idea for Global Sustainability

    Interchangeable life-size Lego parts have the power to completely democratise industrial production in a sustainable way.

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    Literary Figures Give Lego Bookish Cred

    The one thing Lego has always needed was a smug F. Scott Fitzgerald and brooding Ernest Hemingway to give it some literary credit.

Latest Events
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    Lego Releases Digital Camera

    The new go-to gadget for anyone who wants a colourful, geometric and completely unique and workable camera.

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    Daft Punk and Coke to Release Shiny Limited Edition Bottles

    New Coke bottles inspired by Daft Punk's robot helmets will undoubtedly become the source of many a French hipster's pick-up line.

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    Kite-Powered Car Drives Across Australia

    A unique take on raising environmental awareness involves a kite and a pair of German 'extreme sportsmen.'

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    Breakup Notifier Normalises Your Facebook Stalking

    The highly controversial new Facebook app is the one most likely to get you laid by someone on the rebound.

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    Tron: Legacy Inspires Icehotel Art Suite

    British designers/sci-fi fans redesign Sweden's icehotel, Tron: Legacy style.

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    World’s Smallest Postal Services

    Things are always better in miniature. Including the postal service.

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