Event Melbourne

The Testosterdome

Prepare yourself. A puberty-themed video games arcade is about to take over Fort Delta.
Meg Watson
April 16, 2014


Puberty is a time of our lives often wilfully forgotten. The hormones, the hair, the social awkwardness and general awfulness... the mental scars rival the ones left over from our acne. But with this work, Sydney artist Jackson Fydim Stacy asks us to reexamine the maligned rite of passage in the best way possible. In the simplest terms, Testosterdome is a puberty-themed video games arcade. Instead of Dance Dance Revolution, Stacy gives us Sad Boy Hoop Shooter — a game in which we "slam dunk our repressed emotions"; the obligatory race-car game is transformed to a way of chasing girls. All of this does however come with a message. Stacy is a queer transgender artist who described the process of coming out and taking hormones a kind of "second puberty" — a complex time of transition that's not as easy to forget as teenage wet dreams.

This event originally appeared as one of our top picks for the 2014 Next Wave Festival. See the full list here.



Thursday, May 1, 2014 - Friday, April 11, 2014

Thursday, May 1 - Friday, April 11, 2014


Fort Delta
113 Swanston Street


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