After almost two weeks in lockdown again in a bid to stop another COVID-19 outbreak — including an initial five-day snap lockdown, and a second week to keep cases under control — Victoria emerged from stay-at-home conditions at 11.59pm on Tuesday, July 27.
Gone are the five reasons to leave your home, as well as the travel radius — which means that you can now head out of the house whenever you like, for whatever reason you like and to go wherever you like. Still, the list of restrictions can be a bit overwhelming, so we've broken down just what you can and can't do.
This information is correct as of Wednesday, July 28.
For what reasons am I allowed to leave the house?
Remember those five reasons announced back at the beginning of July? They're no longer in effect. So, after almost two weeks of only being able to leave home to purchase groceries and other essentials, for care and caregiving, for permitted work, for outdoor exercise and recreation, and to get vaccinated, you can now leave for any reason you like.
For how long can I leave the house?
The two-hour limit on time spent out of the home has now been lifted. You may now leave your house for any amount of time — and for any reason — as long as you're abiding by all other restriction.
Is there a curfew this time?
No, there is no curfew. You are allowed out of your house at any hour — and for any reason and for as much time as you like, too.
Do I still have to wear a mask?
Yes, masks or face coverings are still compulsory whenever you leave home. Masks must still be worn both indoors and outside whenever you're anywhere other than your own home.
And, you must always carry a mask with you, too.
How far can I travel?
You can travel as far away from your home as you like. Unlike the rules that have followed lockdowns in the past, there's no travel limit in place this time.
Of course, the state's border rules, and those of other parts of Australia, may hamper your trip if you're planning on heading interstate.
Can I see friends and family?
Yes, but there are a few caveats, so bear with us. You can catch up with up to ten people, but only outside of your home. You can exercise with them, have a picnic — socially distanced, of course — or do whatever else you like, but not at anyone's house.
Inside your home, the "single social bubble" rule is still in place — allowing a single person living alone or a single parent with children under 18 to nominate one person to be in their bubble. You are allowed to have this nominated person over to your home and you can go to their home. You can also stay overnight.
The same rule still applies for intimate partners, too.
Can I have a session with a personal trainer in a park?
Yes, groups of ten — plus the trainer — are allowed to meet up for personal training and bootcamp sessions.
Visit Victoria
Can I have a picnic in a park?
Yes, as long as it's with up to ten people (including yourself). Here are some of our favourite spots.
Can I go to the beach?
Yes, you can only go with up to ten people (including yourself).
Can I drive to a park or beach?
You most certainly can.
Can I go to a pool?
Indoor? Yes. Outdoor? Also yes. Up to 100 people may swim in an indoor pool and 300 outdoors, but there's a one person per four-square-metre capacity limit at both. So, you'll want to check out the pool's website before throwing on your togs. Not sure where to head for a splash? Check out some of our favourites.
Can I visit a regional town?
All of Victoria, including regional areas, are under the same restrictions — so you can travel wherever you like within the state.
You can't visit someone's home though, unless they're in your "social bubble" or they're your intimate partner.
Can I go shopping?
For any reason, yes. But some shops may have altered hours, so check before you head off.
How about to a restaurant or cafe?
Yes, you can head to a hospitality venue, but capacity and density restrictions are in effect. Only 100 people are allowed indoors per venue and 300 outdoors, with a one person per four-square-metre capacity limit. And, the maximum group size is ten.
Can I go to gyms or other recreational services?
Yes. Both indoor and outdoor sports and recreation facilities can open with a one person per four-square-metre capacity limit — and a 100-person cap indoors, and a 300-person limit outdoors.
How about a movie?
Yes, indoor seated venues such as cinemas can reopen — and have up to 100 people per space.
If you're interested in heading to a different type or entertainment venue, if they don't have seats, they can reopen with a density requirement of one person per four-square-metres — and the same 100-person cap per space.
Can I attend a funeral?
Yes, however funerals are limited to 50 mourners, plus those required to conduct the funeral.
Can I attend a wedding?
Yes, however weddings are limited to 50 people, including the couple and two witnesses. The celebrant and photographer don't count in the cap.
If you have more questions, the Victorian Government has an extensive rundown on its website.
Top image: Visit Victoria.