Haptic Interface Pop-Up Exhibition
Some wearable tech explores the future of the user interface.
Recently to point-and-click was our primary mode of interacting with devices; now it's being usurped by the tap, swipe and pinch. What will be next? The Haptic Interface Pop-Up Exhibition is a chance for the public to experience a type of technology that, right now, is still largely unknown and experimental and can take a lot of googling to understand. The exhibition is held at Hong Kong House and is part of this year's Vivid festival.
Essentially, the user interacts with haptic technology through touch, usually in the form of something you wear that translates your movements or pulses into some kind of effect. Things like hats that light up and move when someone speaks, or shoes that allow you to feel someone else walking, or cuffs that read pulses and allow you to sense another person's presence even if you can't see them they even come with stylish ostrich feather plumage.
A lot of the ideas are in pretty early stages. It's hard to imagine a situation where you'd think, "Wow, I wonder what walking feels like?" Though one practical item might be the wearable pillows that tell you when you're snoring just think how many arguments between couples it would settle.
Haptic Feedback is open 9.30am - 4.30pm on the Ground Level Function Room of Hong Kong House (right next to the QVB).