Crossing Boundaries

As part of the Chinese New Year, this exhibition celebrates the contemporary works of Asian-Australian artists.
Rachel Eddie
Published on January 20, 2014


Kevin Rudd can rest easy in his political grave (at least, for one thing), because the Asian-Australian connections continue to be cultivated. Amidst the Chinese New Year celebrations comes Crossing Boundaries, an exhibition that applauds the artistic exchange between Asian and Australian worlds.

Everything from sculpture, installation, ceramics, performance and forums will be on offer as the unique cultural works of more than 20 Asian-Australian artists are presented. Curated by Catherine Croll, Crossing Boundaries includes renowned artists Hu Ming, Guan Wei, Lindy Lee, William Yang, High Tea with Mrs Woo and more at the Town Hall event that'll run from January 22 until February 9. Gotta zip.


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