Australian Poetry Slam national finals 2012

Poetry isn't just about bells tolling, and daffodils on a hill.
Rhiannon Sawyer
Published on November 26, 2012


It was Michelle Pfeiffer who taught us that poetry is important. And not just about the rhyme. She taught us (and a group of lost homeboys) that poetry is inspiring. She taught us that poetry is everywhere.

Poetry isn't just about bells tolling, and daffodils on a hill. Poetry is about expression. It's about letting loose. It's not just a random jumble of words but a spectacular outpouring of feeling. Rhymes optional.

This year's Australian Poetry Slam will exhibit the best two poets from every state and territory. With only two minutes on stage to impress a panel of judges chosen from the audience, this evening will truly show poetry in motion. And the prize is well worth fighting for. This year's winner will be representing Australia on a writer's tour of Asia, including the Bookworm International Literary Festival tour of China, and will feature as part of the Ubud International Writers and Readers Festival in Bali and the Sydney Writers' Festival.

Sydney Theatre is about to get slammed with some serious poet talent. So leave your rhyming dictionaries at home, open your ears and be ready to blow Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Thomas out of your minds.


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