News Arts & Entertainment

Bird’s Eye View of TV Show Apartments

Artist Inaki Aliste Lizarralde has transformed her TV fixation into beautiful hand-drawn blueprints of some of television's most beloved apartments.

Sean Robertson
September 14, 2012


"Fan art" comes in a bizarre array of forms. Couch-dwelling admirers of films and television series have brought us such timeless works of art as Elvis murals made from burnt toast, life-size stormtrooper costumes and the burgeoning industry of "fan fiction".

While this sort of fandom, at times bordering on obsession, tends to be fairly laughable, Spanish artist Iñaki Aliste Lizarralde has transformed her TV fixation into something truly fascinating, creating hand-drawn, blueprints of some of television's most beloved apartments.

With these intricate aerial views fans can now take a virtual tour through the apartments of Sex and the City, The Big Bang Theory and Friends, while forever wondering how a bunch of characters that seem to divide their time fairly evenly between coffee houses and trendy bars manage to afford these fab pads.

Friends - Chandler & Joey and Monica & Rachel's Apartments

The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon & Leonard and Penny's Apartments

Frasier - Frasier Crane's Apartment

Sex and the City - Carrie Bradshaw's Apartment

Original Batman TV series - Wayne Manor