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Pictures of Pictures from the Past in the Present

A sense of pure nostalgia and a chance to look at time passing right before your eyes.
Joe McQuillen
June 17, 2011


"Take a picture of a picture from the past in the present." This directive is the basis for a great new Tumblr project, Dear Photograph. Just a few weeks old, the blog is a collection of photos of people holding up old photographs in the original location the photograph was taken, thereby showing what has changed over the years to striking effect.

The idea and execution is relatively simple. In fact, Sergey Larenkov flashed us back to WWII in a similar fashion a few months ago. The end result though is incredibly enjoyable - a sense of pure nostalgia and a chance to look at time passing right before your eyes.

Hopefully, with some increased attention more people will be inspired by the project, go out and take their own photos, and build up the collection.