News Culture

Win a Free Haircut at Grand Royal Barbers

Looking for the perfect way to sport your 'mo' in spirit of Movember?

Bryanna Murphy
November 12, 2012


Looking for the perfect way to sport your mo in spirit of Movember? Grand Royal Barbers (locations in Darlinghurst, Taylor Square, and the City) will give your mo style and flare for a $10 donation to Movember. They hope to raise $5000 for the cause so they need 500 'mo bros' to help out. And as an added bonus to your new and stylish moustache, every participant will receive an American Crew pack of products and a $10 shave voucher for your next visit to Grand Royal Barbers.

Be sure to check out their Facebook page here for more pictures of mo styles, plus details about the Movember charity drive and giveaways.

Concrete Playground has 5 gift packs and 5 haircut/shave vouchers (valued at $130) for Grand Royal Barbers to give away. To go in the running, just subscribe to Concrete Playground (if you haven't already) then email