News Design & Style

Shitter: Toilet Paper Printed with Your Twitter Feed

Literally flush obnoxious tweets down the loo with Shitter's customised toilet paper.

Anya Krenicki
April 02, 2012


Don't give a shit about what Justin Bieber is tweeting these days? Stick it to social media by ordering toilet paper rolls printed with your Twitter feed.

Matt Delprado, a creative director at Profero Sydney, along with David Gillespie, created Shitter. The company's motto, "Social media has never been so disposable", says it all. Place your online order and have four rolls delivered to your doorstep so you can literally flush all the hashtagging and online ranting down the loo.

It's much better revenge for an obnoxious tweeter than an 'unfollow'. #dontgiveashit

[via Lost at E Minor]