News Sustainability

The City of Sydney Is Giving Away One Thousand Trees

Ever actually planted a tree? Nab a free sapling and check off your bucket list.
Jasmine Crittenden
March 12, 2015


Feel like greening up your life with some lemon-scented tea tree and giving a little back to your city while you're at it? More than one thousand trees will be given away to Sydneysiders, the City of Sydney has announced. Giving away 21 different types of teeny saplings next weekend, the project's motivation is to increase the size of the city’s urban canopy while promoting green action— all while ticking off your bucket list.

Over the past ten years, the City has planted 10,250 trees, bringing Sydney’s total to 42,000. The plan is to increase this by fifty per cent by 2030. "[Trees] add beauty to our city and help clear our air as well as providing valuable habitat for birds and animals," said Lord Mayor Clover Moore. "We hope our residents will enjoy planting and caring for their tree, and this will help us create a greener, cooler and more beautiful city."

Twenty-one species, including blueberry ash, flowering plum, lemon-scented tea tree and bottlebrush, will be on offer — depending on your home set-up. Both small and medium trees will be available, to cater to a variety of living spaces. To nab your free tree, be at Sydney Park carpark (corner of Sydney Park and Mitchell Roads) on Saturday, March 21 from 10am. Like all good community weekend events, there'll be a tasty, tasty barbecue and City staff will be on hand to give you planting, fertilising and nurturing tips. You'll need proof of residence to nab your baby tree, like a bank statement or driver’s licence. There's a limit of two trees per household and up to five for strata properties, schools, communities and public housing.

The City of Sydney's Tree Giveaway is happening on Saturday, March 21 from 10am at the Sydney Park carpark.

Check out the City of Sydney's handy guide to help you figure out whether you're a bottlebrush person or more of a coral bark Japanese maple kind.