Humanoid Robot Stars in 20-Minute Play

Japanese humanoid robot takes to the theatrical stage.
A.H. Cayley
Published on November 17, 2010

As if it weren't hard enough to land good acting roles. Developed by Tokyo-based robot maker Hiroshi Ishiguro, Geminoid F recently made her stage debut in the play Sayonara, alongside American actress Bryerly Long. The robot played a carer reciting poetry to Long, who played a lonely woman close to death.

Geminoid F's lines and physical movements were all coordinated backstage by a controller in a soundproof chamber, then repeated by the android in real time. While the director was pleased with the performance, Long stated that she felt all alone onstage. "There is a is a bit of a distance as the robot has quite a particular position. It has a voice but it has not the same kind of human presence."

Despite its realistic features and movements, it's still obvious Geminoid F is a robot. This shouldn't affect her career much - just look at Nicole Kidman.

[Via PSFK]

Published on November 17, 2010 by A.H. Cayley
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