2 Dimensional Life of Her
You might not call Fleur Elise Noble 'careful' but somehow, she manages to skirt around imagined, created and real with incredible fluidity and sanity. Using real-time 2D and 3D tricks (puppetry, animation and inventive brilliance), Noble plucks the characters out of her mind and interacts with them on stage.
For some, life without boundaries is mortifyingly restricting - those (hypothetical) lines that blur between imagined, created and real can really freak you out if you're not careful.
You might not call Fleur Elise Noble 'careful' but somehow, she manages to skirt around imagined, created and real with incredible fluidity and sanity. It's tempting to call 2 Dimensional Life of Her an ensemble piece (for all the lead drawn characters that come to life in it) but this family-friendly performance is art from Noble's imagination only. Using real-time 2D and 3D tricks (puppetry, animation and inventive brilliance), Noble plucks the characters out of her mind and interacts with them on stage. But who controls all the action in 2 Dimensional Life of Her? And who can deny the existence of these characters from Nobles imagination? As part of Sydney Festival's 'About an Hour' program, you'll only have a limited amount of time to find the boundaries…