Apathetic Journal Launch

Are today's youth indifferent? A new biannual zine refuses to take that accusation lying down.
Kimberley Mai
Published on May 22, 2015


You often hear that screen time and social networks characterise this generation. Does this mean that today's youth lack a sense of purpose in their lives and engagement IRL? Why are they considered to be so passive?

That's where Apathetic comes in. It's a new biannual zine aimed at dispelling the idea that apathy is embedded in this generation. The first issue, 'Awake', is launching at the China Heights Gallery with an accompanying exhibition. The loose curatorial theme of 'awake' lets young creatives approach it from many angles and use their chosen medium to subvert notions of an apathetic youth.

China Heights Gallery is an artist run initiative showcasing Sydney's up-and-coming designers and artists. The exhibitions are constantly changing and this should be a good one.


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