Event Sydney

As I Crossed a Bridge of Dreams

Ken Unsworth follows up his 2009 Cockatoo Island show with a new feast of art.
Zacha Rosen
August 08, 2011


Ken Unsworth's new show at Cockatoo Island is actually more of a performance than an art show. Technically, the art will be finished by the time the general public gets to see As I Crossed a Bridge of Dreams lying in state, waiting for an audience. For two nights before the public show starts, Unsworth is said to be filming the installation at a private event — the installation in situ, with dancers, musicians and a live audience. The results will be open to the public as attractive remnant, with footage of the private event on as part of the show.

Ken Unsworth's leftovers are other people's major shows. Visitors who remember Unsworth's 2009 show A Ringing Glass (Rilke), in memory of his late wife, can again expect to check out a full-on meal of art. And where the performers have gone, the cameras remain. A piano is central to the show, so attendees are invited to play and be immortalised as part of the ongoing video documentation. And although the main meal itself is a little exclusive, there's no shame in revelling in leftovers like these.

Image by Mourner.




Saturday, August 13, 2011 - Sunday, August 28, 2011

Saturday, August 13 - Sunday, August 28, 2011


Cockatoo Island
Sydney Harbour
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