Biennale Bar

A pop-up bar amongst waterside Biennale art.
Zacha Rosen
Published on July 02, 2012


FBi is descending on the Biennale's stay at Pier 2/3 in the Rocks. For Fridays during August, the Biennale Bar will be packed with entertainment via FBi Radio, the Thousands and dLux Media Arts. The bar is downstairs at the wooden nub of the art spread across the interior of the pier. Sip among Tiffany Singh's cacophonous wind chimes in Knock On The Sky Listen To The Sound, which invite the public to ring them and later take them home, or run into the Sydney Theatre Company as they invade Honore D'O's Air and Inner during earlier hours.

Note: The STC's Biennale invasions have been cancelled.

The Biennale bar runs 6.30-9.30 pm Fridays during August. Line-ups are now up on the Biennale site for the evenings curated by dLux (August 3), the Thousands (August 10), FBi (August 17), the Biennale team (August 24) and the Sydney Chamber Opera (August 31). Image shows Knock On The Sky Listen To The Sound by Tiffany Singh.

Read the rest of Concrete Playground's Top Ten Things to See and Do at the 2012 Sydney Biennale.


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