Femme Smut

Put down the 50 Shades and find some more pleasurable literature.
Gemma Mollenhauer
Published on February 16, 2015


Sydney Femme Guild is allowing you to give into your innermost desire this Mardi Gras Festival, with a night of erotic readings. Enjoy the hotness (and hilariousness) of sexy wordsmithery, whether its your own, your friend's, a classic author's or that favourite online slash fic scribe's.

Guest femmes are invited to read, sing or slam their own or someone else's smutty words, so even women lacking confidence have an avenue to show off their work. To submit your smut or register your interest in contributing on the night, send an email to [email protected], or just turn up on the night.

Tap and select Add to Home Screen to access Concrete Playground easily next time. x