Flavours of Auburn Cooking Class: Vegan Ethiopian Cuisine

Learn to cook a delicious Ethiopian meal — then eat it.
Sarah Ward
Published on October 28, 2018


On Friday, November 9, make going out for dinner about more than just a meal — make it a cooking class as well. Flavours of Auburn is combining the two at its session dedicated to vegan Ethiopian cuisine. You'll learn the basics, help prepare the food and then, yes, you'll get to tuck in.

Tickets cost $70 — or $45 for students and concessions, and $50 if you live in the area — which includes everything you'll need to cook up and then feast upon. It also includes drinks, in a class that's designed to make you feel like you're in someone's house. And as for who'll be leading the charge, Flavours of Auburn's sessions are overseen by cooks from ASCON and House of Welcome.

Bookings are essential, and must be made before 4pm on Wednesday, November 7.

Vegan Ethiopian fare is just one type of cuisine on Flavours of Auburn's regular cooking class menu, with other Friday night sessions dedicated to Pakistani and Afghani food — and more.


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