Event Bondi Beach

Flickerfest 2013 Opening Night Screening and Party

Just because the films are short, doesn't mean the festivities have to be.
Hannah Ongley
January 08, 2013


Just because the films are short, doesn't mean the festivities have to be, or at least not when you're talking about this here Hawaiian-themed opening night party for 2013's Flickerfest.

The event is a chance to see some of the best shorts to come out of this year's festival. Alexandra Schepisi's Jacki Weaver film Lois is the briefest of the bunch, clocking in at only eight minutes. Nash Egerton and Spencer Susser's The Captain (starring Boy director Taika Waititi) and actor-turned-director Damien Walsh-Howling's Suspended provide some bite-sized cinematic role reversal.

After the screening it's your chance to schmooze with film industry insiders, which is another way of saying that world-renowned Elvis Presley tribute artist Jacqueline Feilich won’t be the only person to gawk at as you scarf down exquisite handmade rice paper rolls. Catering comes courtesy of Misschu, with Rosnay Organic Wines, Little Creatures, Crystal Head Vodka and Phoenix Organic Juices on drinks duty. DJ Stephen Ferris will be in charge of keeping you on your feet until the early hours.


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