Event Sydney


Had the team behind Glow lived during the middle ages, they’d have been burnt at the stake for extreme witchcraft. There’s no way that such a visually-engaging, magical show can be anything but the result of a pact with the devil. Glow is the story of a “loser”: an ordinary man living a boring life […]
Jimmy Dalton
April 25, 2010


Had the team behind Glow lived during the middle ages, they'd have been burnt at the stake for extreme witchcraft. There's no way that such a visually-engaging, magical show can be anything but the result of a pact with the devil.

Glow is the story of a "loser": an ordinary man living a boring life that, behind the scenes, is peppered with all manner of whimsical fantasies. As you can imagine, he ends up meeting the love of his life, overcomes oppression in the form of his nasty boss and discovers that he's a hero through and through. While the story itself is fairly straightforward, the major draw is the amazing technical puppetry that creates a world very reminiscent of Avatar (minus the blue aliens and Pocahontas overtones).




Saturday, June 5, 2010 - Friday, June 11, 2010

Saturday, June 5 - Friday, June 11, 2010


Sydney Opera House
Bennelong point


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