The Korean Film Festival In Australia (KOFFIA) is back for its fourth year in 2013, promising unmissable films and the brightest stars in their latest offerings for the screen. This is your opportunity to experience an alternative movie-going experience.
You have the choice of 17 feature and various short films, with 50 screenings in total gracing Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne cinemas. It has been dubbed "a must for fans of Korean culture" although just about anyone is sure to enjoy the films, all of which are subtitled in English.
On the bill are 9 Muses of Star Empire, which documents the K-Pop phenomenon from the inside, and Architecture 101, a romance-themed session, ideal for couples. There are also a host of other cultural activities — be sure to check them out when planning your KOFFIA experience.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013 - Thursday, August 29, 2013
Wednesday, August 21 - Thursday, August 29, 2013
Event Cinemas George Street505-525 George Street