Malevo at Sydney Opera House

The explosive Argentinian folk dance troupe is making their Australian debut at the Sydney Opera House this Summer.
Alec Jones
Published on December 04, 2023

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Sydney Opera House is known for drawing in talent from around the world, showstoppers of every genre and art form, but the latest international act booked to take to the stage will be so explosive it might shake the ground under your feet. It's not an earthquake or an explosion. It's Malevo, the hottest thing to come out of Argentina since Messi.

After finding fame in a show-stopping performance on America's Got Talent, this all-male troupe have kicked off a series of global performances alongside the likes of Ricky Martin and Cirque du Soleil, to the point where they're officially recognised as cultural ambassadors of Argentina.

So what's all the fuss about? Malevo performs an explosive contemporary take on malambo, a folkloric dance traditionally performed solo and barefoot. Malevo performs as a group with an impressive and thundering range of percussion onstage, with everything from heeled boots to traditional hunting weapons used in the music.

If you're curious about just how adrenaline-packed performance could play out, check out this clip from America's Got Talent for a taste of the action:

Malevo is coming to the Sydney Opera House from Wednesday, January 17 to Sunday, January 21. For more information and to get tickets, visit the website


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