Media Architecture Biennale 2016

Four days of talks, workshops and panels unpacking the future of liveable, smart cities.
Lucinda Starr
Published on May 28, 2016


Living in the big smoke has more perks than just an abundance of all-night convenience stores. But what makes a liveable, smart city? This year, the fifth international Media Architecture Biennale wants to focus on just how cities like Sydney will evolve in years to come, focused on the theme 'Digital Placemaking'.

Hosted at The Concourse in Chatswood, MAB16 is a four-day lineup of conferences, workshops and even an award ceremony, presenting the best future ideas in architecture, media and design. Exploring everything from the role of urban screens to local media interventions in cities, global industry leaders will open your eyes to potential of what's to come in these bustling metropolitan spaces.

This is one of our top picks for Vivid Ideas events. Read the whole list and reboot your brain.


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