Oxford Tavern Pool and Handball Comp

King wins their height in cheeseburgers.
Jasmine Crittenden
Published on September 14, 2015


The Oxford Tavern's Handball Comp is back. As at the event's first edition, held back in March, the overall champ will score his/her height in cheeseburgers. But this time, a pool comp has been added to the program. And for that, the stakes are even higher. The winner of the singles category is promised his/her height in slabs of tinnies and the winning doubles team the same, but in tequila.

The comp is happening on Monday, September 21, as part of Bar Week 2015, with the pool comp starting at 3pm and the handball kicking off at 7pm. It's not only open to industry professionals — members of the general public are invited, too. That's even if you're only going along to cheer/boo/take advantage of seriously reduced drink prices/recover from your dunce-square complex via schadenfreude. All afternoon, tinnies will be $4 a pop and cocktails $10.

See yourself grinning smugly from atop a beer/tequila/burger tower? You'd better get your entry in quick. Email [email protected].

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