Pinot Palooza 2023

Red wine fans, rejoice: this vino festival is showcasing 50-plus wineries over two spring days at Carriageworks.
Sarah Ward and Libby Curran
Published on July 13, 2023


Spring, plus light- to medium-bodied red wine: what a pairing. It's the duo that not only sits at the heart of Australian wine-tasting festival Pinot Palooza, but has helped the vino-swilling event become such a hit. The weather is sunny, the tipples are heady, and sipping your way through a heap of the latter is on the menu — including in 2023.

The Melbourne-born wine tasting festival will celebrate its 11th year by touring the country, including hitting up Sydney's Carriageworks from Friday, October 6–Saturday, October 7. This two-day affair filled with vino-sipping fun will cover organic, biodynamic, vegan and low-intervention wines, and more, as well as bites to line the stomach.

In its decade of life until now, the fest has welcomed in thousands of vino lovers. Indeed, an estimated 65,000 tickets were sold globally before its 2022 events. When COVID-19 hit in 2020, the popular celebration was shelved for two-and-a-half years, before making a comeback last year. The response? More than 12,000 folks heading along around the nation.

Set to share their tipples among producers from Australia, New Zealand and further afield: New Zealand's Burn Cottage and CHARTERIS; Small Island, Ghost Rock and Meadowbank from Tasmania; M&J Becker from NSW and Moondarra from Victoria.

The food lineup will feature cheese, salumi, terrines, patê, olives and other perfect vino accompaniments, with Tasmania's Grandvewe Cheese and Victoria's Mount Zero among the suppliers.


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