Playground Weekender 2011

A four day festival extravaganza in arguably the most gorgeous festival location near Sydney, with a lineup that simply speaks for itself.
Lucy Rose Fokkema
Published on February 02, 2011


De La Soul. Tricky. Caribou. Kool & the Gang. Lamb. Kate Nash. Toro Y Moi. Tunng. Four Tet. You Am I.

How do you describe a festival when the lineup speaks for itself?

I'll give it a go anyway. Playground Weekender is a four day extravaganza in arguably the most gorgeous festival location near Sydney, Del Rio's Riverside Resort on the Hawkesbury. We're talking lush green bush land, a sparkly river and all the trimmings of a 'Riverside Resort' - nine hole golf courses, tennis courts, riverside chalets and kangaroos that serve you cocktails.

Add yoga, the Club Tropicana (!) swimming pool, cabaret, cinema, beauty salon and a 24 hour general store...

A moment please, while I pick my jaw up off the floor.


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